Every yearSnackclubcryptoApril 30 is designated as the International No hitting Children Day, which aims to remind people that they should hold more when dealing with their children.SnackclubcryptoTolerance and patience are educated in a rational and guided manner rather than resorting to corporal punishment and violence. The establishment of the festival reflects the global emphasis on the protection of children's rights and the promotion of non-violent education.

On this day, people from all walks of life are encouraged to reflect and discuss how to implement more scientific and humane methods in family education. Education experts and psychologists generally believe that corporal punishment is not only not conducive to the healthy growth of children, but may have a long-term negative impact on their psychological and emotional development. Therefore, promoting rational education and opposing corporal punishment and violence are important topics in the field of education.

The establishment of the International Day of No beating on Children is also a response to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, which clearly stipulates that children have the right to protection from physical and mental abuse and violence. By raising public awareness, it is hoped that this day's activities will reduce corporal punishment in the family and promote the well-being of children and family harmony.

To achieve this goal, parents, teachers and caregivers need to work together to find more effective means of communication and education. This includes listening to children's voices, understanding their needs, and helping them learn and grow through positive motivation and guidance.

snackclubcrypto| International Day for No Beat Kids, parents should pay attention today! Rational education against corporal punishment and violence